Land of the Lost (1974-1977)

Land of the Lost (1974-1977)

Release Date:  9/13/1975
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  23 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  While investigating the Mist Marsh, the guys stumble onto a mysterious woman who has a bit too much in common with Rick. Featuring Kathy Coleman as Holly.
Description:  While investigating the Mist Marsh, the guys stumble onto a mysterious woman who has a bit too much in common with Rick. Rick and Will are exploring around the mist marsh, they never having been below the mist to see what is hidden within the fog. What they find is a large structure, like a dirigible, framed in light. While Rick wants to investigate, Will has this odd feeling of something not quite right, like something or someone is probing his mind like needles. Regardless, Will can't let his father investigate on his own. What they end up finding is a young human woman named Sharon Williams who must have fallen through the time door. Rick is overjoyed to learn that he and Sharon have much in common, this commonality with another human adult which he truly misses and which he can never get from his offspring. Those common factors include growing up on the same street in Indianapolis, going to the same high school and having many of the same teachers. While Rick is happy for this company with Sharon, Will on the other hand believes that those commonalities are too coincidental, and thus that Sharon is ...