La Jetee

La Jetee

Release Date:  2/16/1962
Country of Release:  France
Length:  28 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  DRA ROM SF
Release Message:  The tale of a man, a slave, sent back and forth, in and out of time, to find a solution to the world's fate. Written and directed by Chris Marker.
Description:  In a post-apocalyptic Paris, a man haunted by a childhood memory of a man being shot to death at an airport takes part in a time travel experiment to see if he can retrieve both much needed supplies and some sort of explanation for the catastrophe that has ruined his world. In the past, he falls in love with a woman he meets and finds that his fate is inextricably tied up with his memories. Time travel, still images, a past, present and future and the aftermath of World War III. The tale of a man, a slave, sent back and forth, in and out of time, to find a solution to the world's fate. To replenish its decreasing stocks of food, medicine and energies, and in doing so, resulting in a perpetual memory of a lone female, life, death and past events that are recreated on an airports jet_e.