Justin Time

Justin Time

Release Date:  //
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  95 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  Justin (Gage Munroe) and his imaginary pals Olive and Squidgy set off on fantastical adventures in time, told from every corner of the world!
Description:  JUSTIN TIME is a character-driven animated series for three to six year olds based on an original concept by Brandon Scott. The series follows the adventures of Justin and his imaginary pals Olive and Squidgy as they set off on fantastical adventures in time, told from every corner of the world! Justins everyday pre-school challenge sets the stage for adventure, as they ride rockets into space; discover new worlds with the Vikings; and chase Cleopatras cat through the pyramids of Egypt! Squidgy, his faithful clay friend is always there to help, and Olive is always a friendly face in every new place. Inspiring stories show that friendship, adventure and fun are timeless!