Description: The time traveling League team goes to the future to team up with that time's League to battle Chronos who rules. Batman, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman chase Chronos into the future Gotham City of Batman Beyond, just in time to face a battle with a group of Jokerz beside that era's Justice League. The time travelers are taken to the Justice League Unlimited refuge and get help from Warhawk, older Static, and the new Batman. An older Bruce Wayne reveals the street gang they fought together was enhanced by Chronos who lead them to kill the rest of the League of that era. The combined heroes defeat the retooled Jokerz, and Batman traps Chronos in a time loop, right before he started his first time travel. This episode has homages to Crisis On Infinite Earths. The only place in the JLU universe in which Hal Jordan appears as Green Lantern. Plus there's a little glimpse of the Beginning of Time.