In the Garden of Iden

In the Garden of Iden

Release Date:  //
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message:  Set entirely in the 16th century, in Spain and England, it revolves around the activities of a group of immortal cyborgs, individuals who appear human but have been transformed by high technology.
Description:  This is the first book of Baker's The Company series, all of which involve time travel. Although it is set entirely in the 16th century, in Spain and England, it is a science fiction story revolving around the activities of a group of immortal cyborgs, individuals who appear human but have been transformed by high technology. Mendoza is a cyborg, who, like others of her kind, has been rescued from certain death as a small child and turned into an immortal machine, then made to work for "The Company". She loves her work and hates 'mortals'. All that changes when, on her first mission, she encounters love and learns the terrible price she has paid to live forever.