How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother

Release Date:  3/25/2013
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  25 minutes
MPAA:  TV-14
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  Ted and Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) run into their future selves as they debate whether to go to "Wrestlers vs. Robots."
Description:  Ted and Barney run into their future selves as they debate whether to go to "Wrestlers vs. Robots," while Robin and Marshall argue over who gets credit for a new drink at McLaren's. (Ted goes down to the bar where he meets Barney, Twenty-Years-from-Now Barney, Twenty-Years-from-Now Ted, Twenty-Hours-from-Now Ted, and Twenty-Minutes-from-Now BarneyÑnot to mention two versions of Twenty-Months-from-Now Coat-Check Girl.)