Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show

Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show

Release Date:  1/7/1998
Country of Release: 
Length:  60 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  COM SF FAM
Release Message:  Wayne (Peter Scolari) blows up Dante's car by accidentally discharging the Cloud Buster into it. Intent on correcting his error, Wayne uses the Time Hopper to go back an hour, but ends up going back to the year AD 930.
Description:  Diane runs for the school board. Principle Dante supports her despite Wayne blowing up Dante's car by accidentally discharging the Cloud Buster into it. Intent on correcting his error, Wayne uses the Time Hopper to go back an hour, but ends up going back to the year AD 930. He is mistaken as Odin, principle god in Norse mythology. Nick pulls his dad back to the present, carrying three barbarians with him. They assist in Diane's campaign by handling the enemy (her opposition) of Diane in their own fashion.