

Release Date:  9/24/2007
Country of Release: 
Length:  52 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  DRA SF THR
Release Message:  Hiro (Masi Oka) finds himself in 17th Century Japan where he gets to meet his hero, Takezo Sensei.
Description:  It is now four months since the fateful events at Kirby Plaza. Claire Bennet and her family have relocated to Costa Verde, Californa. She agrees with her father that it is essential she keep a low profile, but finds it difficult when when challenged by some of the students at her new school. Hiro finds himself in 17th Century Japan where he gets to meet his hero, Takezo Sensei. It turns out however that he may not live up to his legendary reputation. Nathan and Peter Petrelli's mother and Hiro's father both receive death threats from the same mysterious source. Two new characters are desperately trying to make their way from their Central American home to the USA. Suresh accepts an offer from a organization to fund his research into those with exceptional abilities.