Goodnight Sweetheart

Goodnight Sweetheart

Release Date:  6/13/1999
Country of Release:  UK
Length:  30 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  Gary (Nicholas Lyndhurst) and Phoebe's club is threatened by two men calling themselves Smith and Jones, protection racketeers demanding fifty pounds a month.
Description:  Gary and Phoebe's club is threatened by two men calling themselves Smith and Jones, protection racketeers demanding fifty pounds a month. Police office Priestley is no help because, unbeknown to the Sparrows, he is taking a cut from them. Gary, using a modern tele-photo lens, stakes out the men's house from across the road and snaps the corrupt officer taking his bribe, thus ending the racket. In the present Ron is recovering from Flic leaving him but a doodle-bug which landed near the pub in the forties has now exploded, blowing up the Millenium Dome and Yvonne's statue.