Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich

Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich

Release Date:  12/8/2004
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Video
Genre:  ACT FAN SF
Release Message:  After defeating the Time Master in the original Freedom Force, the group of heroes is sent back to a world where the time-lines have been mixed up and the axis triumphed in WWII.
Description:  A real-time tactical role-playing game where you control a group of heroes who time travel back in time to World War II and fight the Nazis. 1963 America. Freedom Force successfully defeated Timemaster, thwarting his plans to stop time itself. Ever since, there hasn't really been many super-villains to fight, and most of the team has gone on prolonged vacation. Until the evil communist Nuclear Winter escapes from the clutches of the CIA, with the Timemaster as his captive and a dastardly scheme up his sleeve involving stolen nuclear weapons which sets off a chain of events that changes the outcome of world war 2, putting America under Nazi rule, forcing Freedom Force to travel back in time and battle the evil psychic General Blitzkreig.