Fluch des Falken

Fluch des Falken

Release Date:  10/14/2011
Country of Release:  Germany
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  John (Lukas Amberger) and David learn that their radio always get the same messages, and John develops the theory that they are trapped in a time warp.
Description:  John and David to come back with the strange news that the radio always get the same messages. In their questions they get from Magda as always satisfactory answers. John developed the theory that they are trapped in a time warp. To prove they want to wait until midnight to see if the date reminders umspringen on their watches. At midnight, all six friends gathered around the wrist and notice: The date remains - they seem to be actually caught in a time warp. When they ask Magda to task, she dodges. But they declared that they will not be missed by their parents and that they can not easily leave this forest. After the initial shock, the Six decide on the adventure that is now before them, to make the best.