Flint: The Time Detective

Flint: The Time Detective

Release Date:  11/5/1988
Country of Release:  Japan
Length:  30 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  FAM SF
Release Message:  Flint (R. Martin Klein) and the team goes back to the year 1492 to look for the time shifter Coconaut, where they find themselves pressed into service for the famous explorer Christopher Columbus. Starring R. Martin Klein as Flint.
Description:  The team goes back to the year 1492 to look for the time shifter Coconaut, where they find themselves pressed into service for the famous explorer Christopher Columbus. Coconaut is revealed to be assisting Columbus in his navigation, and Petra Fina uses this fact to inspire distrust for Columbus amongst the crew and also to steal Coconaut and take command of the fleet. After escaping from abandonment on a desert island, Flint and his friends rush to set things straight.Ê