Flint: The Time Detective

Flint: The Time Detective

Release Date:  11/19/1998
Country of Release:  Japan
Length:  30 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  FAM SF
Release Message:  The team is sent back to Ancient Egypt (323 B.C.) to search for the time shifter Lynx. Starring R. Martin Klein as Flint.
Description:  The team is sent back to Ancient Egypt (323 B.C.) to search for the time shifter Lynx. On arriving, the group find Lynx under the command of Petra Fina, who styles herself as a Queen. When Flint is brainwashed by Lynx, Tony and Sarah engage Lynx in a game of riddles and beat him by using the Riddle of the Sphinx, breaking Petra Fina's spell. With the aid of Bubblegum-Master, Flint confronts Lynx-Con.Ê