Flight That Disappeared

Flight That Disappeared

Release Date:  9/30/1961
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  71 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  ADV FAN SF
Release Message:  A transcontinental flight from Los Angeles to Washington DC, carries three top scientists 10 miles up to a dimension where time does not exist. Starring Craig Hill.
Description:  A cross-country airliner, whose passengers include a nuclear physicist, a rocket expert, and a mathematical genius, is drawn beyond radar range by an unknown, unbreakable force. A transcontinental flight from Los Angeles to Washington DC, carrying three top scientists, unexplainedly begins a climb to 10 miles up. With all other passengers unconscious, the scientists find themselves in a dimension where time does not exist. There they are put on trial by denizens of the future for their potential involvement in the creation of "the ultimate weapon." Atomic scientists on an airliner arrive in Heaven and are tried by future generations.