Finders Keepers

Finders Keepers

Release Date:  10/30/1992
Country of Release: 
Length:  25 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  FAM SF
Release Message:  Patrick (Jeremy Schwerdt) makes it through to the shopping centre only to find that time has passed and the clock has been taken away.
Description:  Patrick makes it through to the shopping centre only to find that time has passed and the clock has been taken away. He runs into a distraught Claire who has been looking for Carol. Patrick realises that Carol must have followed him to the other side and they rush home to contact Max, who is being interrogated by the agents. They let Max go but lock his roomÑhe can't get to his computer. Carol has her own encounter with some agents who try to take her ball awayÑit displays magic qualities and burns one of the agent's hands. Patrick, with the help of Claire, tracks the clock down to a warehouse. We are left with Carol who is confronted by Parsons, a senior agent.