

Release Date:  10/3/2006
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  44 minutes
MPAA:  TV-14
Medium:  Video
Genre:  COM DRA SF
Release Message:  Someone's interference with the past is causing disturbances in the space-time continuum. After another lab accident Jack (Colin Ferguson) wakens to a whole new world.
Description:  Someone's interference with the past is causing disturbances in the space-time continuum. After another lab accident Jack wakens to a whole new world. Present to 10/3/2006 traveler: Henry Deacon Method: Artifact Description: Henry harnesses the transdimensional nature of the artifact sample. 10/3/2010 to 10/3/2006 Traveler: Jack Carter Method: Artifiact Description: Jack returns to 2006 before Henry arrives using Henry's method and assistance. Travelers: Jack Carter, Leo Weinbrenner, Nathan Stark Method: Photon Deceleration Description: A 10 hour time-loop is created when Weinbrenner decelerates a photon.