Escape in Time

Escape in Time

Release Date:  7/5/2010
Country of Release:  UK
Length:  45 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  GAME
Release Message:  Two families compete over the course of a week in various rural skills of the past. Hosted by Ben Fogle.
Description:  Two families compete over the course of a week in various rural skills of the past. Made by the team behind the Victorian Farm documentary series, in the same location (Acton Scott Estate in Shropshire), though the experts from that series aren't involved in this one. 20 Episodes -- Jul 5, 2010 through Jul 30th 2010 (weekdays) Each day there are three challenges - one for the mums (generally on domestic skills such as cooking and crafts), one for the dads (usually farming-related), and one for the children (which could be anything; the first week's tasks ranged from mucking out pigs to an archery competition). Fridays are a little different as there are five tasks, all on a theme, and the family members compete in different combinations. The family who win the most challenges each day get a prize, but these are quite token in nature, generally some produce, or products, from the estate. And when it's food, it tends to get shared out between them all anyway. The big weekly prize is still token but is something a bit more long-lasting - a wooden stool or a door knocker, for instance.Ben Fogle's Escape in Time