Doctor Who (1963-1989)

Doctor Who (1963-1989)

Release Date:  2/2/1983
Country of Release:  UK
Length:  24 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  ADV DRA SF
Release Message:  The TARDIS lands on Earth six years out of date, stranding the Doctor in 1983 while leaving Tegan (Janet Fielding) and Nyssa to look for him in 1977.
Description:  The TARDIS lands on Earth six years out of date, stranding the Doctor in 1983 while leaving Tegan and Nyssa to look for him in 1977, eventually to discover a badly injured man that may very well be the Doctor. Both parties also encounter former Doctor-companion Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, though in 1983 he curiously has no memory of the Doctor at all.