Dirk Gently

Dirk Gently

Release Date:  3/5/2012
Country of Release:  UK
Length:  585 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  COM CRI SF
Release Message:  Dirk (Stephen Mangan)'s client David Edwards is found dead after claiming that the Pentagon are out to kill him
Description:  Dirk's client David Edwards is found dead after claiming that the Pentagon are out to kill him. His widow hires Dirk to catch the murderer, telling him that her husband was working on top secret computer software which could spell danger if it fell into the wrong hands. Dirk believes there is a connection with his other client, Emma Reynolds' philandering husband Oliver, obsessed with the fact that his horoscopes keep coming true. Having shown that the horoscopes are a fraud Dirk sets out to find the real reason for Edwards' murder.