Die Ruckkehr der ZeitMaschine

Die Ruckkehr der ZeitMaschine

Release Date:  //1983
Country of Release:  West Germany
Length:  120 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  DRA SF
Release Message:  The Time Machine of the H.G. Wells novel is purchased from an antiques store by a physician from Berlin. Dr. Erasmus Beilowski and his well-educated friends have an intelligent discussion about the world and the future, and how to use the machine.
Description:  The Time Machine of the H.G.Wells novel is purchased from an antiques store by a physician from Berlin. Much of the script plays out in one room in the Berlin villa of Dr. Erasmus Beilowski. He and his well-educated friends have an intelligent discussion about the world and the future, with a view to the Time Machine. What to use it for?