Die Kleinen Dinos (The Little Dinos)

Die Kleinen Dinos (The Little Dinos)

Release Date:  //
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  The young scientist Xander and his friends Denny and Amy want to travel back in time to learn more about the life and age of their ancestors, for all inhabitants of M 31 are descended from dinosaurs.
Description:  The young scientist Xander and his friends Denny and Amy are tasked with flying to the earth with their spaceship. The aim of the mission is to build community projects with the inhabitants of the earth. At the same time, they want to travel back in time to learn more about the life and age of their ancestors. For all inhabitants of M 31 are descended from dinosaurs. Without her knowledge, however, the heroes are followed by Terrevil, an unscrupulous scientist,