Counting Up, Counting Down: Forty, Counting Down

Counting Up, Counting Down: Forty, Counting Down

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Medium:  Literature
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Description:  Time travel with the twin perspectives of a man who travels back in time for relationship stability. A 40 year old computer genius named Justin Kloster invents a time machine based on string theory and Virtual reality. Using this device, he travels back in time to visit himself when he was 21. It was that at this age that he began dating his future wife who would later divorce him. As Justin never recuperated from his loss, he decides that this time machine is his chance to redo his relationship with her with more success. As such, he convinces his younger self to lay low while his older self courts his girlfriend. Unfortunately for Justin's plan, he finds that his older self is even less successful than his younger counterpart, and his girlfriend leaves him, much sooner than she did in the original timeline. The older Justin decides to head back to his own time in the future, leaving a large sum of money behind. When he awakes in his original time, he discovers that he has successfully founded his own string-theory company, and is happily married to another woman and has several children. He attributes this to his original relationship not becoming as serious, as well as inspiring his younger self and providing him with seed-money to start his own business.