Celebrity Deathmatch

Celebrity Deathmatch

Release Date:  //
Country of Release: 
Length:  21 minutes
MPAA:  TV-14
Medium:  Video
Genre:  ACT COM
Release Message:  This is the first episode where the Time Machine was used, and Genghis Khan and Mahatma Gandhi are summoned into the ring. Directed by Eric Fogel.
Description:  Jennifer Aniston, Lisa Kudrow and Courteney Cox are Friends no more; Sean Connery and Roger Moore vie for the title of the Baddest Bond; Genghis Khan and Mahatma Gandhi are summoned into the ring. Sean Connery vs. Roger Moore A cave woman Sean Connery: Roger Moore borrowed a giant boulder from a cave woman and crushed Sean under it. The two combatants were allowed to use gadgets from the James Bond films. Mahatma Gandhi vs. Genghis Khan Genghis Khan: Mahatma Gandhi tossed him under the ring and crushed him with it This was the first episode where the Time Machine was used. The two fighters' personalities were switched around due to a malfunction in the machine, making Gandhi stronger and Genghis Khan weaker.