Buck Rogers in the 25th Century

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century

Release Date:  2/5/1981
Country of Release:  USA
Medium:  Video
Genre:  ACT ADV SF
Release Message:  While sick in bed with Cignus Fever, Buck (Gil Gerard) starts seeing Ambassador Cabot and his party have a strange aura around them.
Description:  While sick in bed with Cignus Fever Buck starts seeing Ambassador Cabot and his party have a strange aura around them. Ambassador Cabot is responsible for bringing peace with the lizard people known as the Saurians with the Delta Defense Grid which destroys all ships without a proper code. The Aura that Buck is seeing is connected to the fact that Ambassador Cabot and his party are not who they claim to be but Saurians in disguise. Buck's unique condition allows him to see the aura around the illusion. But now the Searcher is on a deadly course which is all part of a plan to take over the Delta Defense Grid but only Buck suspect something is amiss.