Boys' Life: "The Time Machine Fights Earthquakes"

Boys' Life: "The Time Machine Fights Earthquakes"

Release Date:  11//1974
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message: 
Description:  Kai's father in the future asks them to use the time machine for his earthquake research. So Bob Tucker, Brains Baynes, Rodney Carver, Dion, and Kai head back to 1400 BC Greece. They help Theseus get a sword from under a stone to prove his king-worthiness. Then Dion and Theseus get captured and taken to Crete by African mercenaries of King Minos. They get thrown in the minotaur maze, but their ESP pills help them befriend the bulls and their anti-gravity belts help them ride the bulls. Then they find the bulls can predict earthquakes. Theseus heads off, seemingly still wearing an anti-gravity belt. They impart the earthquake info to Kai's father 5000 years in their future All the stories from here on are solely by Keith Monroe. Seems like Kai's father could have just fed some ESP pills to bulls in his time period and learned the same thing, but, oh well!