Boys' Life: "The Time Machine and the Generation Gap"

Boys' Life: "The Time Machine and the Generation Gap"

Release Date:  9//1970
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message: 
Description:  Tucker, Baines, and Rod go 50 years into the future to 2020, to see if their Scout Troop, Watertown Troop 1, is still going. Apparently the town is near the ocean, and they find the troop is exploring a future fish-farm. Brains Baynes's grandson, Nick Baynes, has gotten the troop in trouble. Meanwhile, the Scoutmaster is Paul Freeman, their Senior Patrol Leader in 1970. And he's rather surprisingly unsurprised to see kids he knew from 50 years ago unaged, and their tale of having a time machine. Nick has some sort of mental disorder, so they go to 2045 and get him cured, then fix the problems he caused. Kai and Dion do not appear in this story. "Braines" Baine is 16 in this story. It's mentioned that the future Brains Baines is a professor at a university, and that his daughter is dead by the time grandson Nick Baines is a teenager, which would seem to be a pretty heavy weight to age into the future with, though Brains doesn't reference