Bobby Loves Mangos

Bobby Loves Mangos

Release Date:  10/1/1998
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  21 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  SF THR
Release Message:  A principal finds a video tape with a message from the future: stop a school bus accident that will kill 50 students on a field trip. The tape is from Bobby, age 40 -- but in the present, Bobby is still in elementary school... Starring Frank Ridley as Dwight.
Description:  An elementary school principal arrives at school to find a video tape that is sent from the "future". The tape is from Bobby, age 40. But in the present time, Bobby is in elementary school at the same school. The tape's message is incredible, but concise: Stop a school bus accident that will kill 50 students that are on a field trip. A story of an elementary school principal who receives a video tape in the mail. An adult who claims to be the lone survivor from a class that perished in a terrible bus accident says he has sent the tape from the year 2018, hoping he could convince the principal to change the bus' route. The adult, Bobby Derrick, stayed home that day with a food allergy to mangos, so he wasn't on the bus.