Being Human

Being Human

Release Date:  1/27/2014
Country of Release: 
Length:  44 minutes
MPAA:  TV-14
Medium:  Video
Genre:  FAN HOR
Release Message:  Sally (Meaghan Rath)'s powers send her to a strange place in time where something horrifying appears to have happened to a mysterious little girl.
Description:  A new vampire boss with ties to Aidan makes life complicated; Josh encounters problems going back to his old life; and Sally's powers send her to a strange place in time where something horrifying appears to have happened to a mysterious little girl. Aidan learns there's a new vampire boss in town with ties closer to him than he'd like to admit. Josh's new life proves problematic when he tries to return to his old one, and Sally's newly acquired powers send her to a strange place in time where something horrifying appears to have happened to a mysterious little girl.