Back to the Future - The Animated Series

Back to the Future - The Animated Series

Release Date:  10/31/1992
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  23 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  ADV FAM
Release Message:  Jules and Marty (David Kaufmann) to placate Verne by using a device that would transfer a video game electronically to Verne's bedroom TV screen. Unfortunately, something goes haywire and the characters of the game come to life, while Doc is transported into the game.
Description:  Verne has become a video game addict. His game of choice, or addiction, is called "BraveLord and Monstrux. " After neglecting his duties because of the video arcade game, Doc and Clara ground Verne to his room and forbid him from playing video games. Jules, with the help of Marty, attempts to placate Verne by using a device that would transfer the game electronically to Verne's bedroom TV screen, thus enabling him to continue to play. Unfortunately, something goes haywire with the wiring and the characters of the game come to life, while Doc is transported into the game. BraveLord, a "He-Man" muscle man, ends up in Verne's bedroom while the vile Demon Monstrux ends up at Biff's house. Verne, Jules, Marty and Clara must defeat the Demon Monstrux, get it and BraveLord back into the game and Doc back into reality.