Avengers Forever (1998)

Avengers Forever (1998)

Release Date:  8//1999
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message: 
Description:  Kurt Busiek & Roger Stern/Carlos Pacheco/Jesus Merino Kang the Conqueror has remained a mystery ? until now! Learn what brought Kang through his centuries-long life to this critical juncture! Discover how and why he allied himself with Libra and the Supreme Intelligence! Uncover how he intends to triumph in the Destiny War as he stands poised to face his greatest battle against his ultimate enemy ? who is revealed in this issue! Its a harrowing portrait of evil and ambition that is a lynchpin to the entire adventure! Cover by Carlos Pacheco & Jesus Merino. FC (9 of 12)$2.99 " Cover price $2.99.