Amazing Adult Fantasy (1961)

Amazing Adult Fantasy (1961)

Release Date:  12//1961
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message: 
Description:  A criminal running from the law decides to escape via Professor Storm's time machine, going back in time to 1946. However, someone in 1946 seems to recognize him and the criminal accidentally kills him. Suddenly, the criminal is back in 1961 and arrested by the police; he learns Professor Storm died in 1946 and thus never created a time machine - the criminal defeated himself through a temporal paradox. Cover art by Steve Ditko. Why Won't They Believe Me?, script by Stan Lee, art by Steve Ditko; A man believes that he has discovered an alien invasion, but he is the real alien, and has amnesia. The Last Man on Earth; A paranoid man seals himself in a bomb shelter, but instead of a war, he misses the discovery of immortality in space and the exodus of humanity. Witch Hunt; A woman accused of witchcraft is exonerated, but discovers that her fianc_ really is a witch. Journey's End. The Icy Fingers of Fear. All scripts by Stan Lee, all art by Steve Ditko. Every issue in this title contains wonderful O. Henry-style stores. This series was great while it lasted, but it was short-lived because Stan admitted he couldn't come up with twist-ending stories fast enough to meet the grinding monthly publishing deadlines. Little wonder, as he was also writing most other Marvel titles at the time. 36 pgs. $0.10. Cover price $0.12.