Adventures of Bob Hope (1950)

Adventures of Bob Hope (1950)

Release Date:  2//1957
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message: 
Description:  Cover pencils by Owen Fitzgerald. Untitled Bob Hope story, pencils by Owen Fitzgerald; Bob Hope hopes to become a contestant on "The $65,000 Question" to make money; He accidentally strikes Carolyn Spooner with his yo-yo; She takes him to the lab of her father, who puts him into a time machine and sends him into the future. Untitled Bob Hope story part two, pencils by Owen Fitzgerald; Bob Hope returns from the future. Professor Spooner accidentally sends him into the past. Untitled Bob Hope story part three, pencils by Owen Fitzgerald; Bob Hope lands in the prehistoric past and encounters dinosaurs, a sexy cave girl and a cave man. Untitled Bob Hope story part four. Peg two-pager by Henry Boltinoff. Ad for 100 Toy Soldiers from Josely Co. 36 pgs. Cover price $0.10.