Adventures into the Unknown (1948 ACG)

Adventures into the Unknown (1948 ACG)

Release Date:  4//1949
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message: 
Description:  Cover art by Edvard Moritz. Giants of the Unknown, art by Jon Blummer; Egyrtologist Tom Andrews leads an expedition to an ancient tomb where they find a giant mummy; The giant revives and tells them he is El-Rano, of an even more ancient race that was revered by the Egyptians as gods because of their advanced scientific knowledge. The Affair of Room 1313, art by Edvard Moritz. Back To Yesterday, art by Leonard Starr. Specialist In Spooks, art by Charlie Sultan. St. Mary's Spectre--True Ghosts of History, art by Max Elkan. Rescue Out of the Unknown text story. The Women Wore Black, art by Pete Riss. 52 pgs. Cover price $0.10.