Adventurers: Masters of Time

Adventurers: Masters of Time

Release Date:  7/3/2005
Country of Release:  Germany
Length:  26 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  ADV FAM
Release Message:  Kikko (Amy Birnbaum) and the Adventurers travel back to Versailles in 1783, the night before the Montgolfier brothers' first manned flight in a hot air balloon.
Description:  The Adventurers travel back to Versailles in 1783, the night before the Montgolfier brothers' first manned flight in a hot air balloon. The Hacker's Agents collaborate with a Duke who has kidnapped King Louis XVI and is plotting to take over the monarchy. Join our heroes as they take their first balloon ride, outsmarting everyone, while saving the King's life and honor.