Adventurers: Masters of Time

Adventurers: Masters of Time

Release Date:  5/8/2005
Country of Release:  Germany
Length:  26 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  ADV FAM
Release Message:  Kikko (Amy Birnbaum) and the Adventurers travel back to Boston, 1876, where they know that Alexander Graham Bell's famous first phone call must take place that very same night.
Description:  The Adventurers travel back to Boston, 1876, where they meet a deaf girl named Mabel. She tells them of her teacher who is inventing a "gadget that allows two persons to talk via a wire". Here The Hacker's evil Agents have arranged for Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant, Watson, to be arrested and Bell's important equipment confiscated. The Adventurers know that Bell's famous first phone call must take place that very same night, putting their skills and courage to the test as well