Adventure Comics (1938 1st Series)

Adventure Comics (1938 1st Series)

Release Date:  2//1942
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message: 
Description:  Cover art by Jack Burnley. The Invaders from the Future, script by Gardner F. Fox, pencils by Jack Burnley, inks by Jack Burnley and Ray Burnley [backgrounds]; A kindly professor creates a steel time-sphere, which is stolen and used by a gang of crooks to travel into the future, who then unleash flaming thunderbolts and giants in bullet-proof suits to terrorize the citizens of today. The Stronghold of Savarr starring The Shining Knight, art by Creig Flessel. Jungle Search starring Steve Conrad, Adventurer, script and art by Jack Lehti. The Stars Look Down on Murder starring The Hourman, art by Bernard Baily. Crime Strikes at Home starring Paul Kirk, Manhunter, script and art by Ed Moore. Adventure of the Road of No Return starring The Sandman, script by Mort Weisinger, pencils by Paul Norris, inks by Chad Grothkopf. Half-page ads for Leading Comics # 1, All Star Comics # 9, and Sensation Comics # 2 (featuring Wonder Woman). A full-page ad features Superman # 15, World's Finest # 4, Batman # 9, All-Flash Quarterly # 3, and Green Lantern # 2. 68 pages. Cover price $0.10.