5ive Days To Midnight

5ive Days To Midnight

Release Date:  6/9/2004
Country of Release: 
Length:  42 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  J.T. (Timothy Hutton) resigns himself to his fate and makes a video for Jesse, listing things he would have liked to have seen in the future.
Description:  J.T. resigns himself to his fate and makes a video for Jesse, listing things he would have liked to have seen in the future. Jesse begins her own investigation. She notes that Mandy Murphy's dog was also killed by the falling tree, but the dog was not in the car, and no one knows what became of it. This leads Jesse to believe that the future is still changeable. J.T. changes his tactics to alter the future and tries to remove the motives or block the opportunities of the suspects on the list: ´ He is unable to convince Carl that physics is simply physics, and tricks Carl into a hospital for the mentally disabled. ´ He promises Brad the briefcase after he solves his own case, to remove Brad's potential threat. ´ He meets Bremmer and offers him the money to be made by reverse-engineering the briefcase, but Bremmer is not interested. J.T. even tries to shoot him as a last resort, but is not able to pull the trigger. Sikorski arrives at the scene and has Bremmer arrested. ´ He does not believe Claudia has a reasonable motive to kill him, and instead works with her to remove the other threats. The day ends with the escape of Carl from the hospital. He steals the briefcase from J.T.'s house. Brad intercepts Carl leaving with it and attacks him, but without success. Bremmer is released from jail once his lawyer gets involved. All three suspects have the motive and freedom to kill J.T.