To Die (or Not) Morir (o no)

To Die (or Not) Morir (o no)

Release Date:  1/21/2000
Country of Release:  Spain
Length:  89 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  DRA
Release Message:  In part one, TO DIE, each character meets their death head on while the people around them struggle to take meaning in the events. Then in part two, OR NOT, the clock is turned back and we see how one slight change of events effects all that could have occurred. Starring Carme Elias.
Description:  Google translate from Wikipedia 1.-Die Seven independent stories that culminate in the death of one of the protagonists. A filmmaker who wants to get out of your creative rut. A heroin addict who can not resist the drug. A little girl choked on chicken bones. A patient who misses the alarm button Hospital. A hysterical gorges with pills and Water del Carmen. A young motorcyclist run over by the police. An executive victim of a murderer for hire. 2.-not die The seven stories are linked, humorously, into one: no one dies and all the characters relate to each other. Amazon: Seven individual stories each ending in the death of the main character, that is until fate (as in the from of Ventura Pons, the film maker) intevenes and re-writes history. TO DIE (OR NOT) gives us seven stories that are separate yet intertwined in their outcome. A desperate director with a creative block, a junkie that just can't quit the habit, a little girl who chokes on a chicken bone, a hospital patient who can't reach the emergency call button, a woman who swallows too many pills, a biker run down by the police and a businessman who is laid low by a hired assassin. In part one, TO DIE, each character meets their death head on while the people around them struggle to take meaning in the events. Then in part two, OR NOT, the clock is turned back and we see how one slight change of events effects all that could have occurred.