Land of the Lost (1974-1977)

Land of the Lost (1974-1977)

Release Date:  10/25/1975
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  23 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  Holly (Kathy Coleman) tries to save Rick and Will after they go into a pylon to investigate a time door.
Description:  Holly tries to save Rick and Will after they go into a pylon to investigate a time door. Early one morning before sunrise, Rick and Will hear the pakuni chanting. Rick and Will believe it may have something to do with a small moon that is currently in alignment with the other moons in the sky. They go to investigate. Believing that they will only be gone for a few minutes, they decide to let Holly sleep without needing to wake her to tell her where they're going. What Rick and Will see the pakuni doing at a pylon makes them believe that there is a time doorway inside that pylon. However, once Rick and Will are inside the pylon, Ta does something which he believes closes the exterior entrance, locking Rick and Will inside. When Holly awakens and sees her family gone, she has to figure out what to do. She learns from Cha-Ka where they are, and also learns that Ta seems to know how to open and close the pylon door. What Holly doesn't know is that the secret is all in the small moon.